Your whirlpool and swim spa guide - Spa Natural GmbH & Co. KG
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Learn everything about hot tubs, swim spas, and water care.
DIVINA M SPA Quartz 2001 | SPA Natural |

Kompakte Outdoor Whirlpools

Sie möchten trotz begrenztem Platzangebot im Garten, dem Balkon oder auf der Terrasse nicht auf …

Whirlpool Power Consumption | Spa Natural |

Whirlpool power consumption

How to significantly reduce electricity consumption, and therefore the cost of electricity for an outdoor hot tub.

How much does a hot tub cost per month | SPA Natural |

What is the cost of a hot tub in the...

Sie denken darüber nach, sich einen Outdoor Whirlpool anzuschaffen und sind sich noch nicht sicher …

How to find the perfect hot tub | SPA Natural | |

How to create the perfect outdoor...

When it comes to choosing the perfect hot tub for your needs, there are a few ...

4 persons Pool | SPA Natural |

Jacuzzi for 4 persons

Compact hot tubs for your home Spa Natural offers a diverse selection of compact hot tubs that ...

Types of massage in the spa | SPA Natural |

Whirlpool massage techniques

When water heals: Massage techniques of whirlpools - Unlike in the past, when people almost exclusively ...

Whirlpool for 2-3 persons | SPA Natural

Whirlpool for 2-3 persons

When was the last time you took time for togetherness with your partner, or spent an evening ...

Countercurrent system | SPA Natural |

What is a countercurrent system?

A counter-current system in a pool or swim spa allows you to be in your own ...

Swim Spa in the garden | SPA Natural | |

What is a Swim Spa?

Swim Spas combine the best of all worlds and are the ultimate sports and wellness experience ...

Energy efficiency in whirlpools | SPA Natural |

Energy efficiency for whirlpools

Since the purchase of a hot tub is always associated with relatively high acquisition costs, such a ...

Whirlpool water change | SPA Natural

Water change - how often?

Even if you conscientiously care for your hot tub and water: Every now and then, a ...

Whirlpool water quality | SPA Natural

Water quality

You do not have to worry that water maintenance will rob you of time, money and nerves. Trust ...

Buy Jacuzzi Advice | SPA Natural

Why buy a hot tub?

You get health and wellness in one when you buy a hot tub. Why you should buy a ...

Swim Spa Rolldeck | SPA Natural |

Swim Spa Cover

Our Swim Spa Covers not only insulate and isolate, but they look damn good too!

Whirlpool therapy for home | SPA Natural

Whirlpool therapy for home

Why Your Home Spa Will Give You Almost Eternal Youth Whirlpool Therapy Is More Than Wellness Wellness ...

Salt water disinfection advice 2 | SPA Natural

Salt water disinfection

The salt water system does more harm than good to the hot tub or swim spa Water care with ...

Reduce spa costs | SPA Natural |

Reduce spa costs?

Do you want to reduce spa costs? A hot tub needs electricity and water for its operation. ...

Balboa Display | SPA Natural |

Balboa Steuerung für Whirlpool &…

Leader in hot tubs and swim spas Balboa is the system used worldwide in outdoor hot tubs ...

The great Swim Spa Test | SPA Natural

The Great Swim Spa Test...

Swim Spa models under test The Swim Spa Lausanne with 4 m length and 126 ...

Outdoor whirlpool insulation 2 | SPA Natural | |

Outdoor hot tub insulation

Outdoor hot tub insulation with heat recovery. Each of our hot tubs is well insulated, because the outdoor hot tub ...

Swim Spa in the garden | SPA Natural |

Swim Spa in the garden

Design ideas and advice There is nothing we like better than to create with you a swim spa in the garden ...

Outdoor whirlpool in winter landscape | SPA Natural |

Whirlpool Outdoor winterfest machen: Ihr…

Wie Sie Ihren Whirlpool Outdoor für den Winter vorbereiten Jeder Hausbesitzer weiß, dass ein Outdoor-Whirlpool …

Water care without chemicals | SPA Natural

Water care without chemistry

So ganz ohne Chemie kommen wir nicht aus. Das als Vorwort. Aber wir versuchen es …

Water care simply cheap | SPA Natural

Water care cheap, simple and healthy

Germ-free and crystal clear without chemicals The water in your swim spa or hot tub is circulating water. ...

Indoor whirlpool insulation 2 | SPA Natural |

Indoor hot tub - insulation, insulation,...

Moisture in indoor hot tub can spoil the fun With an indoor hot tub, it is quite ...

Indoor and outdoor whirlpools | SPA Natural | |

Indoor and outdoor hot tubs

Relax in your hot tub wherever you want Indoor and outdoor hot tubs from ...

Nothing is more unpleasant than the feeling of not having been properly advised. The basis of a purchase is based on trust in the narrower and broader sense. You want to have a good feeling when buying a hot tub, no matter if indoor or outdoor hot tub. For this to succeed, your consultant must create trust in himself, the company and the product.

With this guide, we would like to demonstrate that we can answer all questions accordingly. With appropriate experience in the field of outdoor hot tubs, swimspas and in the entire water treatment and heating technology, we house a large, competent team of specialists. Each specialist has his or her core area of expertise. There are mechanical and civil engineers for the 3D design of your projects, as well as the further development of our products. We have crane-, helicopter- and galabuilding companies with many years of experience in this field as partners. So if you have an entire project, like the redesign of your garden, feel free to contact us. General questions, like "where is the water drain at the whirlpool", "how can I winterize a whirlpool", "where does the power cable come out at the whirlpool" or "how do I sink the whirlpool correctly" are questions to which we would like to answer here appropriately.

How must the floor or subsoil be with a whirlpool or whether the whirlpool has a straight floor surface or points are also often asked questions. The topic around swim spas gets a little more extensive. We have fixed drainage structures there, how a Swim Spa is sunk, partially sunk or placed. So you have found confidence in your vendor and his product, then the only thing missing is the local proximity. You want a partner who can be on site if there is ever a problem. Spa Natural has an unparalleled network of partners scattered throughout every state in multiple locations.

Whirlpool guide - Everything about the whirlpool purchase

You play with the idea of getting a hot tub? Congratulations on this decision! The Spa Natural hot tub guide leaves no questions unanswered.
But maybe you're not that familiar with the subject yet. Just browse through our large whirlpool guide, which will give you the most important facts, because an outdoor whirlpool is a luxury product. This investment needs to be well considered.

If you don't find the answers to your questions here, don't hesitate to contact us. Because everything that our whirlpool guide does not answer, you can clarify with our customer support.

The whirlpool guide

Why should you buy a hot tub at all? Well, for your own relaxation, of course. Just think about the high expectations that your job and private life place on you. Sometimes it's hard to balance everything and meet all the demands. A whirlpool helps you to be able to relax properly. Benefit from our whirlpool purchase advice! Let us advise you and maybe even convince you.

Checklist: What to consider when buying

You are already convinced and want to buy a whirlpool? But the many offers, models and suppliers confuse and overwhelm you? Then you should ask yourself some questions before buying!
Simply work through a checklist, similar to moving house. Clarify the following points:

  • Where do you want to place your whirlpool (whirlpool in the garden, whirlpool in the house, whirlpool on the terrace or in the winter garden)
  • How big should it be (5 person hot tubs, 6 person hot tubs, etc).
  • Should it be set up outdoors or indoors
  • How much money do you want to spend (ask for a catalog)
  • etc.

Why not use our checklist to help you find a hot tub that suits you, your needs and, of course, your local conditions and your wallet.

The most common questions

Here we have summarized for you the most important questions and answers that may arise when buying a whirlpool. For example, find answers to the topics of maintenance and cleaning. Learn what you need to consider when installing the whirlpool or find out about the integrated filter systems and the correct handling of the water temperature.

Swim Spa Guidebook - Learn about Swim Spas

Even if you know what a swim spa is and how it can contribute to your relaxation and physical fitness, questions may still remain. We hope that our big swim spa guide can answer some of these questions.
However, you can also find answers to questions about water quality or power consumption. If your question wasn't answered in our Swim Spa Guide, we'll be happy to make up for it. Just give us a call or contact our service team online. We will answer your questions and immediately add them to our guide so that we can also update our other customers and guests on the latest information about swim spas.

What advantages does a swim spa actually offer you?

One of the topics to be discussed here is the numerous advantages that a swim spa can offer you as opposed to a conventional swimming pool. Learn how a Swim Spa can combine sports and wellness in an impressive way. Therapy, wellness and swimming combined in one product. Professional athletes are enthusiastic about Swim Spas and many well-known top stars, not only from the water sports sector, bring a Swim Spa to their home. But also among the rest of the population, the all-rounders, often called swim spas in our country, are becoming more and more popular.

The Swim Spa Guidebook helps even more

But our guide also explains why you should choose a swim spa instead of an ordinary hot tub or swimming pool. Also, learn about the functioning of the integrated counter-current system and get to know and appreciate its advantages.

How Swim Spas Can Support Your Health

But with the bath in a swim spa you will not only experience a high level of physical and mental relaxation. For example, benefit from the hydrotherapeutic treatments and enjoy the warming water with some exercise.

Swim spas are also very energy efficient. You can also find out why this is so and which technologies are responsible for this in this guide.

We could continue this list at will. Just browse through this swim spa guide and then decide at your leisure whether a swim spa is right for your needs.