How much does a spa cost per month? - Spa Natural
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How much does a hot tub cost per month?

These factors influence the costs
How much does a hot tub cost per month | SPA Natural

Sie denken darüber nach, sich einen Outdoor Whirlpool anzuschaffen und sind sich noch nicht sicher welche monatlichen Kosten dabei auf Sie zukommen?

How much does a hot tub cost per month | SPA Natural

This depends on various factors and, above all, on your usage behavior. A blanket statement about the monthly costs is therefore difficult to calculate, but we can give you a rough overview of the various factors with this article, so you can get an idea yourself at the end of the article. If you inform yourself well and plan ahead, you can not only find the perfect outdoor hot tub for your budget, but also reduce the monthly costs to a minimum.

The cost of an outdoor hot tub can vary greatly depending on the size, features and brand. You can get a basic model for as little as 500 euros (inflatable), while a higher quality model can cost up to 15,000 euros and more. However, you should not only think about the cost of the hot tub itself, but also the cost of installation, maintenance and electricity. Installation costs depend on how complicated the job is and whether you need to do any excavation work. As a rule, you can expect to pay about 500 - 1,000 euros for installation.

What factors influence the monthly costs?

Nun aber zu der eigentlichen Frage, was ein Outdoor Whirlpool monatlich an Unterhalt kostet. Um sich hier einen Überblick verschaffen zu können, ist es wichtig zu verstehen, welche Faktoren die monatlichen Kosten beeinflussen können. Hier sind einige Dinge, die Sie im Auge behalten sollten:


Whirlpools gibt es in einer Vielfalt an Größen. Überlegen Sie sich, wie viele Personen in dem Whirlpool passen sollen, und wählen eine entsprechende Größe. Je größer der Whirlpool, desto höher natürlich auch der Stromverbrauch. Deshalb ist die minimale Größe zu empfehlen, die Sie tatsächlich über das Jahr gesehen in der Regel benötigen.


Insulation plays a significant role in the monthly cost. The better the insulation, the less heat loss you will have in your hot tub. This is exactly where the high-end hot tubs differ from the less expensive models. These are usually, unless it is an inflatable hot tub, equipped with full foam. The insulation is a little better, but when it comes to maintenance, full foam is the nightmare of every hot tub lover, and last but not least, for our installers. The smaller, saved effect is quickly gone and the maintenance costs exceed your savings. Therefore our recommendation is the good middle way. A covered and good insulation, but leaving everything accessible in case of doubt. In the best case, look for a spa with an air source heat pump or heat exchanger if necessary. You can read more about insulation here.


Whirlpools können mit einer Vielzahl von Funktionen ausgestattet sein. Manche verfügen über eine Hydromassage und oder eine Luftmassage andere eine eingebaute Stereoanlage wiederum andere bieten Ihnen auch therapeutische Eigenschaften, wie zum Beispiel eine Farblichttherapie (Chromotherapie). Falls es ein wenig sportlicher sein soll, gibt es auch die sogenannte Swim Spas. Diese verfügen über eine integrierte Gegenstromanlage und ermöglichen ein kontinuierliches Schwimmen auf verhältnismäßig wenig Raum. Zusammengefasst lässt sich hier sagen: Je mehr Funktionen desto höher ist Ihr Stromverbrauch.

The monthly cost of owning a hot tub

The monthly cost of running a spa also depends on a number of factors. The biggest factor is the cost of electricity. Hot tubs use a lot of energy to heat the water and keep it at a comfortable temperature. Depending on local rates and the size of the hot tub, electricity costs can range from €30 to €150 per month. In the end, however, it also depends on the brand, insulation method, location and equipment.

Another cost you should consider is the cost of chemicals. You will need to use chlorine or bromine to keep the spa water clean and free of bacteria. The cost of these chemicals is about 10 euros per month. We will be happy to explain how this works. In the end, it is always the same agent in a different package. Knowing this will save you a lot of money.

Accordingly, the average cost of a hot tub is about 70 euros per month (NOTE: it may be more or less). This includes the cost of the hot tub, maintenance, electricity and chemicals. If you plan to use your hot tub regularly, this is a reasonable price.

How to save money on monthly costs

If you want to save on your monthly spa costs, there are a few things you can do. First, compare the prices and features of the different models to find the one that fits your budget. Also consider the cost of electricity and chemicals when calculating your monthly expenses.

With a good cover, a hot tub can be better insulated and you will need less energy to bring the hot tub back to the desired temperature. It is also recommended to perform a thorough cleaning once a month to minimize maintenance costs.

Another tip is to look around in the noname area in addition to the brand products, because in the end most care products such as PH Minus always contain the same thing. It is also best to buy larger quantities. These are often offered at a lower price.

Für eine dauerhafte Kostenreduzierung für einen Outdoor Whirlpool sprechen Sie uns gerne an. Das Thema regenerative Energie ist dabei das Schlagwort. Wir bauen Ihren Pool optisch schön und energetisch klug um.

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25 %
Maße (ca.) : 280 x 235 x 98 cm
Plätze: 8, Düsen: 69
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Maße (ca.) : 240 x 240 x 97 cm
Plätze: 5, Düsen: 143
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Outdoor Whirlpool Infinitas MB300
Maße (ca.) : ca. 225 x 180 x 96 cm
Plätze: 3, Düsen: 82
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Outdoor Whirlpool Infinitas The Stealth
Maße (ca.) : 225 x 225 x 90 cm
Plätze: 6, Düsen: 28
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Outdoor Whirlpool Infinitas The One
Maße (ca.) : 218 x 218 x 70 cm
Plätze: 6, Düsen: 63
Whirlpool Jacuzzi Delos tub | SPA Natural
Jacuzzi Delos
Maße (ca.) : 215 x 190 x 80 cm
Plätze: 5, Düsen: 16

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