Round hot tubs - Spa Natural
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Round hot tubs

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Round whirlpool tub | SPA Natural
Outdoor Whirlpool Infinitas The Circle
Maße (ca.) : 230 x 230 x 88 cm
Plätze: 5, Düsen: 41
Jacuzzi Alimia tub | SPA Natural
Jacuzzi Alimia
Maße (ca.) : 212 x 92 cm
Plätze: 6, Düsen: 46
Whirlpool Jacuzzi J-210 tub | SPA Natural
Jacuzzi J-210
Maße (ca.) : 91 x 198 cm
Plätze: 5, Düsen: 19
Whirlpool Bavaria Round | SPA Natural
Outdoor Whirlpool Bayern
Maße (ca.) : 200 ⌀ x 100 cm
Plätze: 5, Düsen: 10
British Hot Tub Whirlpool Winston | SPA Natural
Outdoor Whirlpool British Hot Tubs Winston
Maße (ca.) : 221 Diameter x 92 cm
Plätze: 7, Düsen: 70
Whirlpool Wangerooge | SPA Natural
Outdoor Whirlpool Wangerooge
Maße (ca.) : 208 x 208 x 93 cm
Plätze: 5, Düsen: 34
Whirlpool Pellworm tub | SPA Natural
Outdoor Whirlpool Pellworm
Maße (ca.) : 190 x 190 x 101 cm
Plätze: 5, Düsen: 18

Round whirlpools - The modern classic

Discover now our round whirlpool variety. With round design hot tubs from Jacuzzi, Infinites, Aquavia and many more manufacturers. Round mini pools are the most similar to an ordinary hot tub, making them one of the classics among hot tubs. They offer more comfort with additional massage functions, which distinguishes mini whirlpools from ordinary pools.

A round hot tub for outdoor use is, in the classic sense, what most customers associate with an outdoor hot tub. You see round hot tubs in many places, such as hotels, spas and swimming pools. The round hot tub offers a lot of space for communication and that is also the focus. A sunken round whirlpool with overflow channel for commercial use is exactly the image that lurks in the minds of those interested in whirlpools. So primarily the focus here is on the communication in the hot tub and the look in the garden or in your patio deck.

The round whirlpool classic

Round is probably the most commonly associated shape when you think of a whirlpool or Jacuzzi. And there's a good reason for that: round pools are mostly installed in hotels, wellness facilities or swimming pools, and these are precisely the places where you can enjoy "whirling" - as long as you don't have your own whirlpool at home.

Plenty of space for a cozy round

When we see a circular shape, we subconsciously think of coziness, unity and connection. And it fits, because a round hot tub provides the perfect ambience for a relaxing and communicative time with friends or family. In addition, a round hot tub usually offers more seating than a square model with comparable dimensions.

A round outdoor hot tub

With a round outdoor hot tub you set an accent and round off your garden ambience at the same time - in the truest sense of the word. Often in gardens and on patio decks you can find a lot of straight and angular shapes. Starting with the flower beds, to the patio decking, to the garden table. In combination with this, a round pool makes your garden or outdoor area look especially modern and harmonious.

Wide range of round hot tubs

Entdecken Sie jetzt bei Spa Natural die große Auswahl an Whirlpools verschiedener Hersteller. Allen voran die Pools von Jacuzzi, ebenfalls gibt es einen sogenannten Minipool aus dem Hause Zucchetti Kos und weitere Modelle von Aquavia. Zudem bietet unsere Hausmarke INFINITAS mit dem Modell Circle einen runden Whirlpool mit einem hervorragenden Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und tollem Design. Und wie alle Pools von INFINITAS, wird auch dieses Modell werksmäßig mit dem chlorfreien INFINITAS Vision Wasseraufbereitungssystem und einer Balboa Steuerungstechnik geliefert.

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